Tag Archives: blindspin

Blindspin 4: How much will test subjects need to sweat?


We can now estimate the amount of sweat and pain that test subjects for the Blindspin project would need to endure (see project page). The experiment will require about 90 minutes, and approximately five kilometers of cycling, mostly at slow to medium speed. The cycling will happen in Turku, near either Raunistula or Itäharju. (Only self-experimentation will be done in Jyväskylä and Toronto). [Edit: Latest maps added]

The exact details will still evolve as we self-experiment.  The most boring part — driving back and forth on a straight empty road — is actually by far the most important. It will tell us what the absolute best-case scenario is. Let’s say that we find that a person can safely drive blind for a maximum of N seconds in such a case. That means that for any realistic scenario, with a curved road, or even a tiny amount of traffic, the safe time will be far, far shorter.

Finding suitable straight tracks is problematic, since so many safety features need to be considered (low traffic, no intersections, good quality surface, isolated from road). The search is still ongoing, but so far the following tracks have been found that are definitely usable.

In practice, we have two loci around which the tests could be performed: a western one near Raunistula, and an eastern one near Itäharju. Itäharju seems to be be by far the better area, but volunteers might be easier to find in the Raunistula region. We will make the final decision later.



Estimating the effect of track curvature is much trickier, but it can be done relatively quickly and easily. We will simply have the volunteer cycle through several  curved paths. Our expectation (and experience from self-tests) is that if there is even a moderate amount of curvature, the cyclists will hit a wall, so to speak. It will be extremely difficult to drive blind for even a very short time. This is different from car driving, where the effect of curvature is linear and not particularly strong. For cycling, we would expect a strongly non-linear response.

Best identified tracks, western area.


Best identified tracks, eastern area. This will almost certainly be the area where the tests are centralized.


If any volunteer is willing to drive more than the minimum (say over several days or weeks), it would be highly appreciated. The more data we get, the better.

If you feel you might be interested in being a test subject in July/August, please contact Jakke.Makela{at}gmail.com.

See also Blindspin project page.





Blindspin 3: Why would someone want to volunteer?


Volunteering to be a test subject for Blindspin (project page) means that you may spend an hour or two of your life bicycling back and forth on a track and looking weird, probably picking up a heavy sweat, and potentially risking your personal safety. Why would anyone do that?

Short answer: because no one else has ever done this. Science means that you methodically pile bricks to create something useful. An individual brick is just a turd-colored clump of burned clay, but they all need to be in place. And in this particular niche of cycling safety, no one has really even picked up the first block.

What is the niche, and why is it interesting? The idea for this research spun off from work we’ve done in driver distraction. A large number of accidents are caused by the driver’s attention wandering to something irrelevant (these days, largely using a mobile phone). Yes, there are brute-force political ways to handle that particular problem, such as outright bans on mobile phone use (which don’t really work very well).

But if we actually want to approach the problems scientifically, we must ask simple-sounding questions that are measurable. In this particular case: how do we measure what driver distraction even means? How do we find numbers that allow us to compare how dangerous driver distraction would be in different scenarios?

We need those numbers before we can even think about how to think about answering more directly practical questions, such as: how do we design car interfaces so that they do not cause dangerous distraction; how do we intelligently attack the problem of driver mobile phone use; and even, how do we design roads (especially intersections)  so that if and when distraction does occur, the impact will be as small as possible?

For cars, a lot of research has been done, and some of it has found its way into safety recommendations (very slowly, but steadily). With cars, there are well-established safeguards that can alleviate the effects of such distraction — lane markings, brakelights, and standards for traffic light design, for example. For cycling, such safeguards have been far less systematically studied.


The science of car road design. (Source: paulstaubin.ca)


The reality of cycleway design (Image source: madcyclelanesofmanchester)

Continue reading Blindspin 3: Why would someone want to volunteer?

Blindspin 2: How to do science by dumpster-diving

When a project has a zero budget, everything has to be hacked and improvised, typically with duct tape. The data collection system for project Blindspin is a good example. (For a project description, see “Does it make sense to ride a bike with your eyes shut”)

If we had a budget, we would be looking for a high-end mobile data logger with millisecond accuracy. Since we don’t, we would very much prefer to use smartphone that someone has thrown away. And it seems we can.

The basic requirement is not very complex. Our system will consist of a pair of electronic goggles which are normally opaque, but which the cyclist can turn transparent by pressing a switch. We need to record the time of the keypress, hopefully with millisecond accuracy. We also need to collect GPS location information, so that we can determine the path the cyclist drove while blinded.

There are GPS data logger apps galore for Android. We found that the AndroSensor software is almost perfect. It collects GPS location, accelerometer information, and all other sensor data at resolutions of up to 50 milliseconds. The only problem is how to input information about the key presses. There is no sensor channel for that.

However, we realized that AndroSensor can record the ambient sound level in dB. So we decided to use the audio channel to store button data. In the simplest case, button down (vision occluded) is a loud noise, button up is a quiet noise.

A major problem is that AndroSensor (and most other software we looked at) always uses the phone’s own microphone, even when a line in is used. Thus, it is necessary to input the noise directly into the external microphone.

For a pre-test, we came up with a somewhat rubegoldbergish approach, but one that works. To generate the noise, we used an aviation scanner that has a reasonably large tangent button. The scanner’s autogain means that if there are no aviation transmissions, there is no sound output. However, if the tangent button is pressed, the noise is heard. The gain can be set so that the difference in noise levels is tens of dB.

To eliminate outside noise, the speaker was attached to the phone’s microphone with  Blu-Tack (sinitarra), and the whole thing covered with more Blu-Tack. Thus, the microphone hears almost no external sounds at all. When the tangent is pressed, it hears the noise from the scanner, at tens of decibels.
The speaker is buried within the mass of Blu-Tack and pressed directly onto the phone’s microphone.

The whole system was attached to the bike handlebars with zip ties. Several different setups were used; the one in the picture below is operated by the index finger. A simpler way was to mount the scanner facing the other way and below the handlebar, so that it could be operated by the thumb.




The ergonomics of the system are horrible. However, at this stage it is simply needed to demonstrate the data collection method. Subject A tested it on a straight road and a curved one. Whenever A closed his eyes, he pressed down on the tangent. Whenever he opened them, he let go of the tangent.

The image below is the first data ever produced in this project. The red blue line is the speed given by AndroSensor. The red lines are the dB levels.When the red line is above 60 dB, the eyes were closed and the tangent was pressed, and thus the scanner outputted noise directly into the phone’s microphone.


We have collected more data from subject A, but will not release data yet. Why? It is not ready yet, but even more importantly we don’t want to skew the results that the volunteers might get. Such ignorance is almost always desired in human research (with the exception of self-testing). The volunteers should have no idea whether it is possible to keep the eyes shut for one second, or for twenty — and they really should not know what we are even looking for at this stage.

For subject A in this particular case, he had a total of 9 occlusions within a 20-second period, with approximately 500-ms eyes-open periods. The occlusion times are between 1 and 2 seconds for this subject for this point on this track for this setup. The occlusion times may be longer in other circumstances… or they may be shorter.

In the final application, we will use a somewhat more complex keypress arrangement, since we will be using an Arduino to control the system. Most likely, we will use a buzzer to create an audible signal about the state of the goggles (loud buzz when goggles opaque, silent when goggles transparent).

The specs of this system are not ideal, but they are actually good enough even for real science. Data are stored at 50-millisecond intervals, but even in simulators, typical intervals are 100 ms. The biggest problem is timing the key press; even if we can get a perfectly sharp rising edge, we will have a 50-millisecond uncertainty in the timing. In practice, it may be even larger if the edges are not completely sharp. We can thus reasonably expect to get a 100-ms time resolution, but not much better. That will be sufficient, as long as we are careful to note it in the analysis.

Of course, this system does have major disadvantages, such as unknown delays in the phone software. We will design a better system if at all possible. But this is a fallback solution, which in the very worst case we can use as the actual solution. Costing zero euros.

See also Blindspin project page.



BLINDSPIN 1: Does it make sense to ride a bike with your eyes shut?

We are starting a research project which sounds completely insane but is not: we want to know what happens when a person rides a bicycle with his eyes shut.

The idea is not completely insane because the same principle — the visual occlusion method — has long been used in automotive safety research.  It is a powerful tool for studying driver distraction.  Most members of our ad-hoc team have scientific experience with the technique (but we are working in our free time on this project). First, some background.

Collaborators: Jakke Mäkelä, Niko Porjo, Tuomo Kujala, John Senders

What is the point?

Bicycling has been around for more than a century, but how much do we actually know about what could make the actual process of cycling safer? At the moment, cycling safety is more or less all about passive safety: cycleway design, design of crossings, helmets, visibility, audible alarms.

What about the process of cycling? What makes one cyclist safer than another? Are the elderly risky drivers, or the very young? What kinds of situations are the most dangerous? How and why does cycleway design affect cycling safety? (For a critical look at some cycling safety issues, see post “Does it make sense to bike without helmet?“).

Passive driving safety. This is the normal approach. Source: Ontario Ministry of Transportation


Those questions are too wide to be answerable, and it is necessary to narrow the focus. One area to look at is driver distraction, if only because no one has really done so. For automobiles, driver distraction is a serious study subject and has its own conferences. Cyclist distraction is only now emerging. The scientific literature seems to consist of just a handful of papers from the last year or two, and almost no field tests.

We want to ask a very simple question: how dangerous is cyclist distraction?  There are lots of accident statistics around, but they tend to look at the cyclists as victims. To put it politically incorrectly, we want to know about the cases in which the cyclists are “perpetrators”.

[Of course one never actually uses that term in research. When trying to study or prevent accidents, it’s pointless to “blame” anyone. Mistakes are made, accidents happen, and the important thing is to understand the mistakes so that further accidents can be prevented. But the term “perpetrator” is easy to understand].

This needs to be narrowed further: what do we even mean by “cyclist distraction”? Does a cyclist need to keep his eyes focused on the road all the time? Is it safe for him to glance at his watch? Could he safely talk on the phone (with a handsfree set of course)? We lack data on basic questions like this.



Distracted cycling. How dangerous is this in reality?  Source: Youthforroadsafety.org


What is the visual occlusion method, and what can it tell us?

We will write more on this in the next few weeks. In brief: an occlusion test determines how tightly a driver needs to keep his eyes on the road. Not every glance away is equally dangerous, and short glances happen constantly (for example, glancing at the speedometer takes about half a second).

In practice, the driver wears a pair of special electronically controlled goggles which can be quickly switched between transparent and opaque modes. A few companies manufacture such goggles, but since we have no budget, we will hack ours from a pair of 3D glasses.

At any given moment, the driver can control whether he sees the road or has to drive blind. The driver has full control, and drives at a level where he feels no danger; any accidents would make the tests invalid, since the aim is to look at safe behavior and not risky behavior.

A video shows how this was done in the 1960’s: Pioneer Days on Rt 128. A very funny yet very serious article on the subject has been published in the Boston Globe. John Senders, the principal investigator in those experiments, is also a member of our team — in fact, he is the one who proposed this experiment in the first place.



Occlusion tests in the 1960’s. Photo Michael Dwyer/AP. Source: Boston Globe.


Since those days, laboratory simulators have been used because there are some legal and ethical issues in driving blinded on normal roads. However, it is difficult to simulate bike driving in a laboratory. We will need field tests.

The results from an occlusion study can be rather obscure, and not simple to explain. Roughly, we expect to find two critical values:

*The time duration above which it is definitely unsafe to keep the eyes closed (or focused on something else). For car driving, this time is about 1.5 seconds. We have no idea what it will be for cycling.

*The distance which a cyclist is able to move with his eyes closed. This is typically 5-20 meters for car driving.

These numbers cannot be used immediately for practical applications, but they are necessary background. The time could be used to evaluate whether (for example) mobile phone use is less dangerous or more dangerous than when driving a car;  the distance could help in designing cycleways, since it gives an indication of what types of obscurations are particularly dangerous.

Who is doing this, and why?

Currently, our ad hoc group has four people with research or technical backgrounds.  It is difficult to get funding or ethical approval for a project of this type, so we are doing it without any. This is a spare-time effort without any input from our employers.

All of us work in our spare time because we believe this research is interesting and important. Because there are risks involved, we will mostly need to self-experiment. However, to gain a large enough data set, we are seeking volunteer test subjects who have moderate streak of lunacy.

*Jakke Mäkelä (LinkedIn) worked in an automotive safety research project in 2013-2014, and is familiar with occlusion methods. He is in some vague sense the unofficial project leader, to the extent that there is one.

*Niko Porjo (LinkedIn) is a technical wizard. He will be hacking the occlusion goggles and working on data collection.

*John Senders (home page)  is one of the pioneers in the field of visual demand (and is featured in the video above). He proposed the idea of studying cycling visual demand in the first place. He will work on theoretical aspects in particular.

*Tuomo Kujala (LinkedIn)  has studied visual demand in automotive environments, and has done extensive visual occlusion studies. He will try to relate this project to earlier research and will work on data interpretation.

We are open to adding new people to the core team, especially experts in cycling safety.


What do we plan to do next?

1. First and foremost: we plan to self-experiment and take the personal risks before we allow anyone else to participate. We don’t think there are any real risks, but… We will report our results on this blog as we get them. The figure below shows some pre-pre-pilot results, but those mainly show that the data collection method works. Critical technical parts of the experiment are still missing.



Results from pre-pre-pilot, subject A. A drove along a straight isolated track of cycleway, and pressed a button whenever his eyes were shut.  The blue line is speed in kmh. The red lines are above 12 when A kept his eyes shut, below 8 when he had them open. 

2. We plan to seek volunteers in July-August 2014 in the Turku region. Self-experimentation is useful up to a point, but it does not give a large enough dataset. The experiment is actually much safer than it sounds, but it does require a certain amount of craziness in the volunteers. We already have a few such volunteers lined up, but we could almost certainly use more.

3. We plan to publish the results. Even though this is a free-time zero-budget project, we seriously aim to get peer-reviewed results. If we cannot get published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, we will publish on this blog.

If you are a moderately insane cyclist in the Turku region, and are potentially interested in volunteering, please contact Jakke.Makela{at}gmail.com.

See also Blindspin project page.