Category Archives: Environment

Why we will always “lose” against climate skeptics


Climate change is a large pile of perverse partial differential equations and soul-withering thermodynamic modelling. It cannot be understood in layman’s terms, let alone popularized. This, I believe, is the core issue. Skeptics quite rightly want explanations that they can understand. We should give them such explanations. But we can’t. They don’t exist.

Original Finnish version: here

This idea was inspired by a blog posting in which a well-known Finn compared faith in climate change to a religion. [Finnish only] The posting was actually fairly neutral, although the author has elsewhere profiled himself as a climate skeptic. The article has been heavily lambasted by the Green community here, perhaps rightly so. Yet, I decided to turn the question around: what if he is correct, at some level? Among people who believe in climate change, how many understand at a deep level how climate change actually happens?

Here’s my provocative claim: none. Even more provocative: climate change scientists don’t understand either.

What does it mean to “understand”?

The operative word here is “understand”. What does it mean? A clichéd definition is that one only understands something if one is able to explain it to any layman.

Problem: no one is able to explain meteorology to any layman. No one is even able to explain it to himself. I believe I have some background to claim this. My minor subject at university was meteorology. My MSc thesis and PhD thesis were both partly related to meteorology. Yet, I’ve never actually “understood” meteorology.

I passed all the exams and was able to do most of the exercises. Yet if someone had asked me what I was doing, I probably could not have answered. There was no real need to do so; at the professional level, meteorology, like any other hard science, is mostly about doing the calculations.

What kinds of things can’t we understand?

Here is a concrete example. We know that it’s hot and rainy at the equator; dry at about 30 degrees latitude (for example, the Sahara at 30° North, the Kalahari at 30° South); and rainy and miserable at about 60° latitude (Finland).  This is related to the so-called Hadley cell; air rises at the equator, subsides at 30°, and rises again at 60°.

The general principle is well known from observations. What causes it? A simple primer might be an eight-page summary from UWM, which has fifteen equations of which most are partial differential equations. However, it is too simplified to be considered a full explanation. In other words the model is too complex to be understood, yet too simple to be accurate.

I recall a personal anecdote related directly to the Hadley cell. With a few other students, I tried to find out “why” the air subsides at exactly 30°. Why not 15°, or 45°? We could find no one in the department of meteorology who could give a simple answer. Most likely, no one can. The explanation is in the equations somewhere, but it can’t be understood.

The Hadley cell is a simple and concrete phenomenon in climate science, almost a trivial one. If even such a simple phenomenon requires professional physics studies to be understood, and even a professional physics student cannot understand it, then how could a layman?

Can people learn to understand?

The climate-change-as-religion article had an important point [translation mine]: “First, the changes in the forecasts. It was easy to believe in climate change in the years when Finland had warm winters. The cold and snow [of recent years] had to be added in later by hand — or at least that is the impression one gets. To be credible, scientists need to make a forecast that over time would prove to be accurate, without a need to tinker with it all the time”.

Indeed. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for. But it cannot be done.

Climate models, like all long-term weather forecasts, are probabilistic models. Such a model might forecast that there is a 30% probability of thunderstorms in southwestern Finland. Since thunderstorms are highly local, this forecast can be correct, yet it can be “wrong” everywhere. It is perfectly feasible to have three days of thunderstorms in a row in Turku, while Salo 50 kilometers away remains bright and clear all the time. The forecast is correct, but no one realizes it.

There is an excellent article on long-term weather forecasts (Finnish only) written by A-J Punkka, a meteorologist. He describes the same thing from the perspective of farming (translation mine): “A sesonal forecast says nothing about daily changes in weather, and in particular it says nothing about the real weather extremes. The forecast can thus be perfect, but a severe (but short) period of frost at the beginning of the growing season can damage crops badly”.

Punkka seems to be an optimist though: “The single most important factor behind the problems may be the fact that people have not been trained to understand these new types of forecasts, and are not used to them”.  Perhaps people could over time be trained to understand what the scientists are saying?

I doubt it, even with respect to ordinary forecasts. People might understand the extremes. If the Finnish Meteorological Institute forecasts four years in a row that the midsummer holiday will be warm and sunny with 90% probability, and every time it snows, clearly there is something wrong with the forecasts.

Yet, the pain already begins at this point. Assume that FMI forecasts that midsummer in 2014 will be warm and sunny with 90% probability. Assume it snows instead. Did the forecast fail? No. One year gives absolutely no information about the forecast. FMI forecast a 10% probability that the summer would not be warm and sunny; perhaps 2014 simply was the one year in ten when that happened.

How would one explain this to a layman? It’s not possible. I couldn’t even explain it to myself. Even though I know all the facts, and understand the statistics, I would still end up cursing the clowns at FMI for ruining my midsummer celebration.

What’s the problem: heuristics

The human brain is not built to understand probabilities; it is built to survive in the wild. The mind uses heuristics, simple models that usually work, but have nothing to do with abstract calculations of probabilities. The dry but fun book by Kahneman&Tversky is full of examples. Even professionals in probability cannot handle abstract probabilities in real life, if they are unexpectedly faced with them.

People have a right to demand explanations that they can understand. In fact, one sign of a healthy society is that people demand understandable explanations rather than mindlessly obeying. It is tragic that such understandable explanations don’t exist in the absolutely crucial area of climate change.

What is to be done?

I have no idea. Perhaps it would help if we who do believe in climate change would admit that there is an “element of faith” in our belief. None of us has personally gone through even a small part of the scientific literature. In reality, we have to trust that the gurus who compiled the IPCC report knew what they were doing.

But is this “blind faith”, as denialists might call it? Not really. Anyone can get a PhD in physics, follow the literature, and try to understand the modles. Even though the processes cannot be “understood”, the mathematics can. All the information is available in principle, even if no one has a full grasp of all of it.

Also, science is a self-correcting process, and relies on constant criticism and reworking of theories. If a theory does not conform with the facts, it will eventually be changed. Of course, this means that scientists have to tinker all the time with their models — which is the accusation that was thrown. It is a no-win scenario.

I have also observed the scientific world from the inside, spending a few years in academia. The experience gives me a refreshingly cynical reason to believe that the scientific community is playing with open cards. As a general rule, scientists are so fractious and paranoid that a conspiracy would not remain secret for more than a few hours.  If someone is given an opportunity to stab his buddy in the academic back, he will do so without hesitation.

The pettiness of the academic world is a key reason why I really cannot believe in a conspiracy, at least an organized one. This pettiness may however be difficult to communicate to the general audience.

Still, to the larger question — what to do when it is impossible to produce explanations that people have a right to expect — I have no answer.

Original Finnish version: here

Other posts on the environment (Finnish only): here.

Sulfur directive and IPR

To be populistic: we pay now, but our industry has a payback time in 2020 and gets the money back from Greek merchant shipping.

[Local subjects for a change. Heavier IPR material moved to // Paikallisia asioita vaihteeksi. Raskaampi IPR-materiaali siirretty ylläolevaan linkkiin.] 

[Finnish version: here. All the links in the article point to Finnish-language sources, but similar material can be found easily.] 

The sulfur directive has been  accepted in the EU parliament. By 2015, ships in the Baltic sea need to drop their sulfur emissions from the current 1% to 0.1%.
Finland is strongly polarized on this. Environmentalists (of whom I am one) against industry. The environmentalists “won” this round, but this is not the place for anyone to gloat, at least not arrogantly. On the contrary, both sides have valid concerns. The directive is positive for environmental and health reasons; it is negative for the Finnish economy and employment statistics.

How positive or negative? One should be skeptical of everyone and everything since it is such a complicated issue, but approximately:

  • The directive saves lives. Whether or not one believes the exact figures of the environmentalists (50,000 extra deaths a year), it is clear that sulfur and particle emissions do have large-scale health effects.
  • Finland will suffer economically. Whether or not one believes the exact figures given by industry, (600 millions EUR per year or 12,000 jobs), common sense and a look at the map says that Finland will suffer more than most countries. We are effectively an island.
  • This is not just an EU decision. The International Maritime Organization IMO has itself approved the limits already in 2008. The EU directive adds very little. If this directive really came as a surprise, someone has been sleeping soundly.
  • In 2015, the limit only affects the so-called SECA-areas, meaning the Baltic Sea, North Sea, English channel and the coasts of Canada and the USA. In the rest of the world, the limit will not be applied until 2020 at the earliest, possibly as late as 2025. It is easy to find this unfair: the directive hurts those countries the most which have already done a fairly good job reducing emissions in general.

The Finnish government has proposed to give 30 million EUR in subsidies to quickly attach scrubbers to ships, but this most likely cannot happen due to the anti-subsidy laws  of the EU.

If Finland had been prepared for the directive, there could have been a win-win scenario. That 30 million, rather than being used (or not used) for subsidies, could have been used to kick-start a major R&D program to create ultra-cheap ultra-flexible plug-and-play scrubbers that could fit into even the shabbiest ships of the world.

There are fewer limits on R&D subsidies, and the 30 million really would not be a major dent in the national budget.

In fact, the 5-10 years’ extension for the rest of the world is precisely what could have given us an opportunity. In 2020 (or 2025), everyone will be just as “surprised” as Finland is now, for example the Mediterranean countries. In the current economic situation, the Mediterranean countries really cannot afford large public R&D investments, even if they are awake.

The possibility would arise from using the IPR system correctly. To those who don’t know much about IPR, and to those who do but are skeptics (myself included), the word “patent” sounds like a boogieman. But this is exactly the kind of situation which the IPR system is meant for: to enable large investments now, in the hopes of recouping those investments much later via licensing. Patents are valid for 20 years. In these R&D programs, it would make sense to patent everything that moves.

To be populistic: we pay now, but our industry has a payback time in 2020 and gets the money back from Greek merchant shipping.

Ugly and heartless? Yes. IPR is ugly.

Unethical? No. This is what the IPR system is meant for, whether one likes it or not. This is not unfair against small inventors (a common complaint), because no one can build large-scale scrubbers in his garage. This is large machinery, requiring large companies.

The proposal may sound vaguely nauseating to everyone. But this is what I would do. It may be too late for the sulfur directive, which is regrettable. But when the next environmental “surprise” arrives, it would make sense to be prepared.