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On teaching

Do elite nerds need any education? 

[Finnish version: click here]

Niko Porjo’s posting last week (Finnish only) raised some conflicting feelings. Summary: based on his own experiences when studying physics, Porjo strongly questioned whether lectures are an efficient type of teaching at all.  I found this argument compelling, given that it resonates with my own experiences.

Porjo then suggested, perhaps polemically, that it would be more efficient to get rid of most artificial and formal types of education. Learning by doing is the most efficient way, and theory should flow from the practical work rather than vice versa. I did not agree with this suggestion at all.

I believe Porjo may be right, but only within tight boundaries. It is true that sitting in compulsory classes is slow and inefficient, especially now that much of the information is available on the Net already. If someone wants to listen to good lectures, there are sites like  TEDx or the Khan Academy.

Whatever the field of study, the actual learning happens elsewhere, not in lectures. Physics requires vast amounts of exercises. Some subjects require massive amounts of reading and writing. In practical subjects, only the practical work teaches what the work really is.

I do not break any confidences if I say that Porjo is a gifted physicist and an extreme nerd (in the most positive sense of that term). He studied physics in Turku in the 90’s, and I studied physics in Helsinki in the 90’s. Although we only met at work in the 00’s, our student experiences are similar.

That is why I found Porjo’s skepticism about lectures so familiar, even heartwarming. I never got much out of lectures, even the good ones. I was mostly too fidgety to even sit in them, even the good ones. I did pass, and even got a PhD (though it took me exactly twenty years), but I was no academic star.

This was quite common in the University of Helsinki’s physics department in the 90’s. All the familiar faces sat at the cafeteria, not the lecture rooms. (Actually, the largest number of familiar faces sat at the library doing physics exercises. It is not possible to graduate in physics without undergoing a punishing regime of thousands of calculations. For every hour spent goofing off from lectures, I spent two hours doing exercises).

But — and here is the crux — we are talking about maybe a few dozen people. Not really an elite, but an unusual crowd. We spent our first kegger making physics calculations, even though there was beer on offer (no women though, for some reason). We spent all keggers that way, actually. Those were the days. The Big Bang Theory may be a parody of physicists, but it is a subtle parody.

What do the learning experiences of this crowd teach us about the ways in which education in Finland should be arranged?


The situation Porjo describes applies to a very specific group of Finns: introverted people who are voluntarily studying scientific or technical subjects. In practice, this group would teach itself the basics whether or not there was any formal teaching at all.

Should the world rotate around this group? It is trendy to suggest that a nation succeeds only if its cognitive elite succeeds. Give the top percent all the resources it needs, weed out the weak ones, and let Darwinism do its magic. The fittest will survive and save society.

I beg to disagree. A nation is on average as competent as its average citizens. Finland has no Nobel laureates, but even a mediocre engineer is quite good and well-rounded here. This is almost certainly one reason why the cell phone business rose so quickly in such a small country. A company could recruit almost anyone at random, and be reasonably sure that they were reasonably competent.

This business has now collapsed (see the Finnish-only blog by Timo Tokkonen), but the average competence means that people will learn to do something other than cell phones, although the transition will be painful. If all Finnish engineers were only trained to optimize Symbian code, we would be in trouble. Luckily, the educational system is well-rounded, at all levels.

So who should we focus on: the elite or the average? Porjo’s blog gives an immediate answer. The most gifted and motivated people will dig up their knowledge from under a rock, if they have to. All they need is Net access. After that there is no particular need to pamper them.

Resources should be put into providing a good well-rounded education for the average Finn. (In fact, I feel that a civilized society should give even its weakest members the best feasible education, even when it doesn’t seem to make quantitative economic sense. I have no rational defense for this idea, it is simply an ideology).

Since I know nothing about pedagogy, I don’t quite know what this means. Probably, it means that education must be quite structured, perhaps repetitive, and even include some formal discipline. It definitely cannot mean the type of anarchistic workaholism that got me and my friends through. But I am happy to leave the exact definitions to the professionals.

The key point is that in this debate, the experiences of people like Porjo and me are largely irrelevant. We have our place in the margins of society (an important place even). But in terms of the education debate, almost everyone else is more important.

Net voyeurs: a national resource?

If only we could utilize Internet voyeurs properly, how much could we get done?

[Finnish version: click here].

Recent tragedies in Finland have shown a gap between official communications and what is available on the Internet. Official communications are terse and protect the privacy of the people involved. The mainstream media, for the most part, does not publish the names of victims. However, any and all information can be found on the Internet. There are forums for everything, in good taste and bad. We haven’t yet gotten to the stage where crime scene photos are circulated, but that day may come. Petteri Järvinen summarizes this well in his blog (my translation).

“The Finnish police communicate very little about accidents and their victims. Names are withheld, based on privacy arguments or “tactical reasons”. The principle is good, but is it valid anymore in the Internet age? Net detectives can sometimes know more even than the police … Voyeurism is improper and insensitive, but it is an unavoidable consequence of the information society”.

That is true. Where transparency, there voyeurism. And especially now, with the recession, Finland is filled with thousands of people who have nothing better to do than sit at a computer. Net detectives have competence and time, and everything that can be found will be found.

The old-fashioned high-quality media does seem lost. Names are only published when everyone knows them already. Details are omitted, even when everyone knows them. Old-fashioned.

So? Why are professionalism and ethics a bad thing? Let it be old-fashioned. It is no one’s loss if the real media reports with professionalism and respect, and lets others dig in the dirt. After all, if all information is available elsewhere, then everyone can find a source that suits his mental level.

In fact there is no need for the media to lower itself, because the “bottom” is already raising itself. I admit (with shame) that I have followed (with interest) on the Internet as people have filled in the puzzles of these tragedies. The motives of these detectives are fuzzy at best, but there is one uncomfortable fact about them: they are good.

Not good journalists, but good intelligence operatives, as it were. Which begs the question: since the net detectives have the time and resources to find out things that the police cannot find, what could they achieve if they turned their energies to something socially useful?

Here is a concrete example whose details I have fuzzified (the exact information can be found on the Internet).

A Finnish city wants to expand its municipal waste landfill. The operator has tried to use a “light” approval process rather than the “heavy” one needed for all projects with a major environmental impact. The decision-makers did wake up, and are requiring the heavier process. Much of the information is secret, but public documents and information on the Internet can be used to piece together a rough picture.

The amount of waste is planned to increase by a factor of five. The heavy process is needed if certain thresholds are exceeded; perhaps by coincidence, all projected values are exactly below these thresholds. The application cites a change in the municipal waste strategy. This strategy, however, is not yet public (which only becomes apparent by searching through multiple sources).

Nothing illegal has happened, this may not even be in the grey zone, but it should still raise some alarm bells. In fact it has, and the situation in now being monitored (on the Internet). With near-zero resources, but monitored nonetheless.

There are hundreds or thousands of such cases. If even a fraction of the best Internet voyeurs put their energy into these issues, what would happen? A lot, I would claim. I am not an optimist, and I do not expect to see anything happen, but there is a lot of potential.

More on open monitoring: here.

Punishment feedback


Not admitting that criminals are humans will lead to a nasty society, admitting it is expensive. Can this be used to create a feedback loop that makes the world a better place? We have discussed punishment mechanisms before on Zygomatica, but in Finnish only (on the stupidity of punishing car drivers for unintentional mistakes,  on substituting soft technology for hard punishment and on why these don’t necessarily work).

While I mostly lurk, I recently took part in a couple of conversation on Google+, about last meals (here) and death penalty (here). In the best spirit of internet discussions my comments were a bit off topic.

I’m too lazy to check what is google’s policy on quoting the discussions, but I’m pretty confident that I can use my own blurts. You’ll have to go through the above links if you want to see the responses.

In the first instance there was some discussion on how expensive it is to keep people in prison vs. executing them. This got me thinking about when and where has capital punishment been used a lot. My feeling is (I’m not an expert on this) that when it has been used a lot it has been either fairly cheap or even profitable. Cheap because of summary executions and profitable through slave labor. This of course only considers the direct costs. I then tried to generalize and came up with this (includes edits to correct spelling):

+G.G exile would be a cheap alternative and would make it easy to get rid of people breaking the law. I’m afraid this would eventually lead to a dystopia, through someone’s utopia. As punishing would now be cheap and easy there would be more punishing for less serious crimes. Because the people thinking differently would be exiled the remaining population would be more extreme and would change the law. Some people would break these new laws and be exiled. It’s called positive feedback and it leads to an unstable system. This is how a dictatorship is created, get rid of the people who think the system should different.

I think it is impossible to create an acceptable definition for crime that would make a clear distinction between political views and actual crimes. Thus there is no way of cramming cheap punishment and pursuit of happiness in one society.

Comments in the other discussion also referred to cost of the prison system, so the same thought came to me and I came up with this:

To keep up the heat up in the discussion I propose that the living conditions of prisoners are made so much better that the associated cost really does hurt the taxpayer. This will give a feedback mechanism that will lower the number of people that need to be imprisoned.

In the other direction, lowering the cost of punishment, lies a society where none of you will want to live.

And after someone appeared interested I continued with this:

+V. M. many (if not most) crimes are intimately connected to the surrounding society. In effect due to the path their lives have taken the criminals don’t have much choice. These people may have made bad decisions which have led to their current situation, but even those choices could have been different had the surroundings been different.

To lower the number of people that end up being punished society, not only the potential criminals need to change. This change will encounter resistance and it will cost money. By increasing the cost of punishment the trade off becomes visible. Take care of the criminals inside the prison or take care of the potential criminals outside of it. The current situation is that the harm (i.e. overcoming the resistance to change and the cost of running a different kind of society) has been externalized to the criminals.

This was immediately debunked as including the “economists mistake”, i.e. that I had assumed a rational actor. It was further claimed that my actor would need fairly advanced reasoning powers and that the evidence shows that this is not the case. To this I commented:

+V. M. “But it already does, and he already doesn’t” this is not true, society is clearly changed by imprisoning a large number of people. Further, it is done specifically because crime hurts the actor. What I am proposing is actually only a different change.

I think the reason behind your argument is not that society is not changed or that the actor is not rational enough. It is that the actor doesn’t care. It is happening to other people elsewhere. This is a valid point.

There however is a trick that has been used before. Grant that the criminals are humans and they cannot be stuffed to small boxes without anything to do. (You can reuse this if you change the word human to “chicken” or “pig” etc.). From this it follows that to lower costs you can either lower the number of criminals by changing society in a way that steers people away from crime or you can use other methods which are usually excluded by admitting humanity. I believe this method has been used in some European countries with a degree of success. Because the admission of humanity can be done at an emotional level less rationality is required.

Basically I tried to show that the evidence does not lead to the conclusion made in the critique and offered an alternate explanation to the observations. I then tried again to sell my idea, which I still think is valid.

In summary: If you increase the cost of punishment it will lead to less of it, if for no other reason then simply because it can not be afforded. I don’t think that the real crux is making the actor act rationally. The difficult part is making her admit that criminals are humans and deserve to be treated as such, regardless of what they have done.

Fast1 19.3.2012: Modelling peoples’ kitchen lives

Incineration of municipal sold waste works fine, as long as the waste has been correctly recycled at the source. Impurities can harm both the environment and the incinerator. Chlorine, for example, can corrode the incinerator walls as well as producing nasty poisons.

[English translation]. Finnish version: click here.

It is important that recycling at the source is done well. However, since it is a human activity, it is never done well. The question is how badly it is done. Many people do not care. And even for those who do care, the reality is so complicated that mistakes will happen.

PVC plastics are a good concrete example. One needs to remember that it is OK to incinerate plastic bottles, but not plastic dividers, binders, or inflatable toys. One needs to figure this out from small nearly identical icons which, to be honest, mean absolutely nothing unless one has cracked the code and has a good memory.

(The top row can be incinerated. The bottom row cannot).

This being the case, we know there will be some PVC in the incinerator waste. How much? Where does it come from? Does quality control get rid of it? How much improvement is possible, if the recycling is done better at the source — basically, in peoples’ kitchens?

There are other similar substances. Problems are caused by waste which                            a) is harmful when incinerated and                                                                                        b) can easily get put in the wrong trash bin.                                                                       Aluminum (for example the covers of yogurt cups) is another potential substance which should be recycled rather than burned, and it can cause problems in the furnace.

Is the amounts so small that this is completely irrelevant? Perhaps. Hard to say without studying more. Has it been researched? Yes. Several studies on the trash contents have been done in Finland alone.

However, I have not (yet) found research that would answer this exact question. Scientifically, it is incomprehensibly boring: does a typical person wash the caps of his yogurt containers and put them in the metal-recycling bin, and does he not? The physicist in me could not care less.

Yet it might well be worth researching, both for the environment and for the operation of the incinerators.

If mistakes turn out to be common, it would imply that the usability of recycling needs to be improved. Instead of seven identical triangles, would it make more sense to have large colorful icons which say exactly what should be done with the material? Usability is an artform of its own, so I do not know.

More blogs on the subject (Finnish only): here.

“Fast1” ideas have 15 minutes or less of thought behind them. They should be treated accordingly. Errors are possible, even probable.